2012 DNC – Charlotte, NC
Can you say Winning?
A big thank you to my twin brother Bernard and my new friend Kathleen Harmon.
Winning, because I was on the floor at the convention @ Time Warner Cable. If I were any closer I would have given a speech.
Seriously, this was a once in a lifetime experience and the best way I can explain is with a few pictures.
“With Great Honor Day” for our Active Military “Men and Women”
Dear Mr. President:
My name is Leonard Pitts. On behalf of the USO and the People of these United States of America, I propose to you a Proclamation recognizing America’s active Men and Women in the Military.
We feel it is fitting that we recognize these brave individuals who sacrifice to keep us safe from harms way.
We hope you agree that NOW is the time to recognize the brave individuals who stand watch while we enjoy our freedoms.
With kindest regards, I am
Leonard Pitts, Volunteer, Team USO

A New Year; A New Walk; From New York to Washington, DC
Training starts today!
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