Day 5: Do not shoot the messenger


Hello everyone today is Sunday and it is early “5:00”. Last week was a short week. I would like to reflect on the past week but first I would like to say, yesterday, today and tomorrow would not be possible without the sacrifice and commitment from our men and women in uniform who protect and serve our country every day. The question I get that is most redundant is “Why, why are you doing this and in one of the hottest months of the year?” I simply say “God”.  Please be advised, I am a no body. However, I am somebody that was able to hear God’s voice. I also get the question “This is such a huge undertaking, how did you get the support of so many people, not only regular folk but elected officials?” Not wanting to sound redundant I also say “God”. Listen, because this is very important.

 I am only the messenger. I don’t know why I was chosen for this endeavor, but I was. What I do know is this; God takes some of the least expected people to do his will. Think about it, David was just a good looking kid who knew how to sing and dance. Moses lived at home with his parents and stuttered. Peter, Peter was one crazy dude who was a ‘ride or die” kinda guy except when they were getting ready to kill Jesus. Joshua, let us not forget Joshua. This guy drew his sword on God. He wanted to fight God!

When God spoke to my spirit and “suggested” to me what I should do, I used the word suggested because God is the God of mercy and grace. Whatever we allow, God allows. You see if I would not have taken this assignment He already had someone else in place. God’s word does not return to him void. If there is anyone that’s reading this and you have an urge to do something and you know, that you know that you know that it is what you are supposed to be doing but you are procrastinating, be careful because next thing you know, you will hear about it or see it on the news and you will be in a state of awe. “Hey that was my idea… I thought about that” If this has ever happened to you, you know what I mean.

This endeavor is much bigger than me. If I were doing this alone it would be all screwed up. I would probably be somewhere in a mental institution being evaluated because of harassment of our nation’s leaders to include the President of the United States. The media would have a field day with me.

If this mission fails do not blame me. Like I said earlier, I’m only the messenger. My support system has well over 2,000 years combined experience. The foundation of course is the USO. The USO is a private, not- for- profit, non-partisan organization that was created in 1941 by President Franklin D Roosevelt with the objective of providing support the troops needed.

 My support system includes Sam Inman, Pastor Curtis Johnson, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Lindsey O Graham, Senator Kay Hagan, Congressman Tim Scott, Congressman Joe Wilson, Congressman Jeff Duncan, Congressman Trey Gowdy, Congressman Mick Mulvaney, Congressman Jim Clyburn, Curtis A. Ingram, Bernell K. Ingram, Kelly Stephens, John Fuller, Glenn L Williams, Pastor Hasker Hudgens, WYFF TV 4, Fox Carolina 21, WCNC Channel 36, Marie Edwards, Rhonda Rawlings, Sharon Williams, Tracie Bates, Kenya Crooks, Bernard Pitts, Toni Summers, Stefanie Pitts, Jackie Dessaure, Mayor Randall, Clinton City Manager Josh Kay, Abbeville County Council, Anderson County Council, Cherokee County Council, Clinton City Council, Greenville County Council, Laurens County Council, Spartanburg County Council, Union County Council, Mecklenburg County Commission, my Parents and Jesus.

June 1 was the day I began my journey. The send off, sponsored by my hometown Clinton S.C. was one of the most emotional times of my life. I am proud to call Clinton, S.C. my native home. Thank you Mayor Randall, Josh Kay and City of Clinton for all your support.  I am currently in North Carolina but I have to tell you. South Carolina is probably the best place to stay on earth. On my journey through SC I met some of the kindest, generous people. I was offered so much. The last two days was such an overflow of blessings from complete strangers. Let me put the word “overflow” in perspective for yall. A river will flood when there is a lot of rain and the banks are not large enough to contain it. This “overflow” that I have is called favor. Have you ever had a problem where you had to actually turn people away or down because you had too much and you could not handle anymore? I have never in my entire life had this type of problem. Before I left on this journey I had the opportunity to stay at a homeless shelter and God put it in my  spirit that I was not to worry about where I was going to stay or eat, He will provide. Well I am here to tell you, I am walking in overflow!! I know God has a plan because he said so. I do not know what it is. I am simply being an obedient servant. Robert F Kennedy once said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation.” Our work must begin now, with each and every individual making a commitment to a lifetime of service. Help me support our active men and women in uniform by donating to the USO. In summary, my final thought, what can you do to service your community, your country? Please visit to find ways of serving. It only takes 30 minutes a week to do some type of service. My situation is different from most. Before you attempt something of this magnitude be sure you are hearing correctly. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. May God bless you and your family and God bless the United States of America.

Very Sincerely,


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